COMUNICAÇÃO SOCIAL EM TEMPO DE PANDEMIAS: Uma análise à eficácia da mensagem veiculada pelos meios de comunicação social na prevenção do COVID-19 em Moçambique


  • Arlete Mambo Escola de Comunicação e Arte, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)
  • Afonso Vassoa Escola de Comunicação e Arte, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)


effective communication, communication for health, COVID-19


This study is a reflection to check if the message broadcast on the media to prevent and fight COVID-19 is reaching the goals in the Mozambican context. The media mentioned here were selected through intentional sample. So, it was selected Rádio Moçambique (RM), Televisão de Moçambique (TVM) and Monapo and Voz Coop communitarian radios in Maputo and Nampula cities, respectively. The study was based on qualitative approach which privileges the documental analysis, basically the hearing and observing the communication material broadcast on media mentioned above. The analyse was made under the Covid-19 Pandemic prevention and response strategy published by the World Health Organization which gives a special attention on the mobilization of all the sectors and the communities to assume the prevention and response for the pandemic, combined to the human communication approach. The study concluded that the messages broadcast on the studied media don´t reach the goals.  It was detected a negligence on prevention measures which reveals divergence between the conduct and the perception of the individuals, on the one hand, and the message released by “Direcção Nacional da Saúde”, on the other hand. For this reason, the study suggests a communication intervention focusing not only on rising awareness, but also on the society education for behaviour changing.

Author Biography

Arlete Mambo , Escola de Comunicação e Arte, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)

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How to Cite

Mambo , A. ., & Vassoa, A. . (2021). COMUNICAÇÃO SOCIAL EM TEMPO DE PANDEMIAS: Uma análise à eficácia da mensagem veiculada pelos meios de comunicação social na prevenção do COVID-19 em Moçambique. UEM Scientific Journal: Biomedical Sciences and Public Health Series . Retrieved from



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