PESQUISAS MOÇAMBICANAS EM CIÊNCIAS DO DESPORTO: avaliação do seu impacto. Análise das publicações na área da actividade física e saúde em Moçambique nos últimos 25 anos


  • António Marques Universidade do Porto
  • Alberto C. Amadio Universidade de São Paulo
  • Adroaldo Gaya Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Actividade física e saúde, história da universidade, universidade e ciência, ciência e sociedade


In the previous six articles of this special issue of University Eduardo Mondlane's scientific journal, you are presented with the results of research on health and physical activity that has been conducted over the past 25 years in Mozambique.Focusing on the analysis of these same studies, this article aims to: (1) summarize the carried out scientific activity; and (2) to assess its impact over the development of Mozambican science and society. As set by the first objective, the different articles where analysed considering: (i) the object and nature of the studies; (ii) populations studied; (iii) comparison to other countries; and (iv) social relevance. Considering the second objective, we set out to assess: (i) the participation of Mozambican research centres doing activity in this area in national and international networks and partnerships; (ii) the impact of these studies on a university and social level. The article starts with a retrospective about the university's contribution to science development, being that the two are historically merged.The intention is thus to emphasize the importance of the Mozambican university to the development of science and the country’s social progress. A synthesis is then made, characterizing the conducted studies and the research main results. The article concludes that: Mozambican researchers in this field are able to face the country’s challenges and to serve its populations. The epistemological decisions, the methodological options and the researched topics are in line with the problems and contexts that serve as a reference to the international scientific community.


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How to Cite

Marques, A. ., Amadio, A. C. ., & Gaya, A. . (2020). PESQUISAS MOÇAMBICANAS EM CIÊNCIAS DO DESPORTO: avaliação do seu impacto. Análise das publicações na área da actividade física e saúde em Moçambique nos últimos 25 anos. UEM Scientific Journal: Biomedical Sciences and Public Health Series , 1(2). Retrieved from