Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries, scientific information and open access


  • admin admin Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Martins Fernando Guambe IBM


Open Access, Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, Scientific information, Portal, Repository


The study addresses the initiatives of open access to scientific information as a quick solution to the needs and problems of Portuguese Speaking countries, through the promotion of scientific, communication and information literacy, fundamental for peace and sustainable development, within the essential values, which connect the members of this organization. Initiatives carried out by academic communities and by the governments of the mentioned countries are analyzed, which have been concerned with increasing the volume of information, its access and availability, and, in particular, the results of scientific research. It is concluded that the initiatives carried out are still few in number, given the existing needs and problems and the large population it covers. As a whole, the corresponding policies and actions demonstrate the adherence of these institutions and organizations from Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries to the Open Access movement, integrated into the global movement.


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How to Cite

Melo Alves, F. M. ., & Guambe, M. F. . (2024). Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries, scientific information and open access. UEM Scientific Journal: Educational Sciences Series , 3(1). Retrieved from