Desafios da avaliação da aprendizagem no ensino superior online na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane: um estudo exploratório


  • Castelo Mário Maluleque Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


Avaliação online, Ensino à Distância


The need for implementation of an online assessment in distance education based on Web 2.0, requires the creation and change of habits, skills and skills in teaching and learning process using the new tools based in information and communication technologies (ICT), with a systemic approach conceptions and the change of practices in the teaching process. The interaction and interactivity between students / teachers and students / students in curricular activities in the module called Operational Research for the course of Business Management, at the Faculty of Economics from University Eduardo Mondlane in the academic year 2012/2013, pointed to an inclusive online assessment, participatory and oriented to a collaborative generation of knowledge. In methodological terms the nature of the study in question is predominantly qualitative and exploratory of the case study type. From data analysis we found that students and faculty were in almost constant contact with the contents, curricula and teaching to learn in a more interactive and constructive, however, although verified more strengths in the use of new concepts and methodological practices, in the online evaluation process, felt some difficulty clarifying the criteria and indicators, which was the weak points.

Author Biography

Castelo Mário Maluleque, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

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How to Cite

Maluleque, C. M. . (2020). Desafios da avaliação da aprendizagem no ensino superior online na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane: um estudo exploratório. UEM Scientific Journal: Educational Sciences Series , 2(1). Retrieved from


