
  • Eliseu Mabasso Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais,Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)


direitos humanos, exclusão, política linguística


The problems arising from the lack of a clearly defined inclusive language policy in a considerable number of multilingual countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, has been one of the major causes of exclusion among speakers of minority languages, not only in terms of their massive participation in the various development processes but also in the legal domain.  Mozambique is a multilingual country which, alongside other former Portuguese colonies, adopted the Portuguese language as its only official language. This choice means that other languages natively spoken by the various communities were marginalized and were given derogatory epithets. To date, the aforesaid countries are unable to approve a language policy that safeguards the human rights of people with poor or no proficiency in the official language, particularly when they appear before a court of law. By adopting a descriptive approach with methodological ethnographic elements, based on two case studies, this research seeks to problematize the impact of the exclusive use of Portuguese in Mozambique’s legal system. One of the findings of this research is that Mozambique has to adopt a language policy that allows every Mozambicans to speak the language they know better when interacting with the legal authorities. This would avoid cases in which most people are excluded from the judicial system and are troubled when attempting to assert their rights.


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How to Cite

Mabasso, E. . (2021). POLÍTICA LINGUÍSTICA E EXCLUSÃO NO CONTEXTO FORENSE: o caso de Moçambique. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 2(1). Retrieved from


