Science, translanguaging, cross-cultural learning, funds of knowledgeAbstract
The levels of participation and interaction of pupils from Mozambican transitional program is qualitatively high in the first three grades where they are instructed in their mother tongues. There is a rich pedagogical collaboration between teachers and pupils in the construction of knowledge in the classroom. However, this scenario disappears when Portuguese (L2) becomes the language of instruction at grade 4. The pupils do not have proficiency in Portuguese to participate actively in the construction of knowledge in the classroom. So, they activate safetalk strategies (silence, become timid, repetition, chorus, low voice and murmuring) for pupils’ participation in the classroom (CHICK, 1996). The teaching and learning process becomes inflexible and monotonous. Using participative action research, this study discusses the linguistic-pedagogical impact of translanguaging (GARCÍA, 2009; GARCÍA and WEI, 2014) and cross-cultural/ collateral learning (JEGEDE, 1995; JEGEDE, 1999; JEGEDE and AIKENHEAD, 1999; AIKENHEAD and JEGEDE, 1999) as a pedagogical proposal for science teaching and learning in post-transition grades. The results of this study show that the incorporation of linguistic resources and funds of knowledge into science learning and teaching contents improves qualitative participation of the pupils, helps them to develop linguistic and academic skills in both languages and enhances dynamic and flexible learning.
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