AFFRICATION OF VOICED LABIALS CONSONANTS /B, V/ IN CHANGANA: an evidence of the Obligatory Contour Principle in Bantu
Affrication, labial consonants, Changana, Obligatory Contour PrincipleAbstract
In the light of the theory of autosegmental phonology (Leben, 1973; 2006; 2011; Goldsmith, 1976; 2004; Odden, 1986) and of the geometry of features (Clements and Hume 1995), this article analyzes the affrication of voiced labial consonants in Changana as a result of the Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP). It describes the phonological processes that culminate in the transformation of voiced labial sounds into the labial-alveolar affricate [bz], during the derivational processes of diminutivization and locativization. In this context the word final rounded vowels and the initial vowels of the derivative diminutive and locative suffixes, form an hiatus, calling into question the OCP that prohibits the adjacent of segments with identical features. The resolution of these hiatus results in turning the rounded word final vowels into labiovelar glide. Labialization through the spread and feature assimilation alters the voiced labial consonants in the onset of the final syllable of the word transforming them into labial alveolar affricate [bz]. These processes are an evidence of the OCP's efficacy, contradicting the attempts to refute it (ODDEN, 1986). The data were collected through philological method combined with introspection and interviews to 3 speakers from the District of Manjacaze.
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