Verbal agreement in locative inversion in ronga language


  • admin admin Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)


Locative inversion, Xirhonga


This article discus the verbal agreement in locative inversion constructions in Ronga, a Bantu Language spoken in the southern of Mozambique, concretely in the City and Province of Maputo. With the analysis of this theme it is intended, in the light of Comparative Descriptive Linguistics and, in general terms, to analyze the morpho-syntactic aspects of the morphological locativization in this language. Specifically, it aims to identify the verbal agreement marks used in locative inversion, in simple and complex grammatical subjects. Briefly, the data collected through a structured questionnaire suggest that in locative inversion, independently of the nominal locative class and the structural nature of the subject, the verbal agreement mark is ku- (cl.17).



How to Cite

Dimande, E. . (2021). Verbal agreement in locative inversion in ronga language. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 3(1). Retrieved from