NARRATIVES ABOUT WOMEN IN FANY MPFUMO: possibilities for gender reframing
Identities, language, mozambican music, gender relationsAbstract
As this special thematic edition points out, “Perceptions about Fany Mpfumo: Society in its music”, our proposal reflects on the narratives about woman and the dynamics of gender relations in the wake of this Mozambican music icon, aspiring at reframing the images of woman. We explore the interface between music production and the social and human problems mentioned, from cultural, intersectionality, phenomenological and critical gender currents theoretical perspectives. Specifically, this article aims to understand the musician's social contribution, the dominant narratives of his music, the reinterpretations and social representations of women. Based on a qualitative methods and technics, such as online interviews with musicians, performers and producers, as well as the consultation of written sources, the meanings of the lyrics of four songs by the author, were analysed. The results of these analysis revel the respect and sublimation of women, rather than female subordination. The woman represented by the artist is not a fixed social category, powerless and without agency, but a hybrid being, like the musician itself and his music, in a permanent process of negotiation of their social roles. Fany Mpfumo's works contrast the toxic qualities of man and masculinity, allowing a constructive gender reframing that goes beyond the gender stereotypes. Translation, understanding, content analysis and research are necessary and recommended, to reveal the cultural values, the meaning and the multiple forms of being a woman, being a man, and the construction of identities.