Caracterização de periódicos de acesso aberto relacionados à enfermagem na América Latina


  • Lívia Gomes da Silva
  • Adriana Lamanna Puga
  • Ailse Bittencourt
  • Darlan Tavares dos Santos
  • Naira Silveira Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)


Nursing, Latin America, Open Access


Scientific communication has undergone numerous changes over the centuries. The way scientists communicated until the 17th century was through personal correspondence in order to spread their discoveries and new ideas. Scientific journals were influenced by these meetings in the mid-seventeenth century and three centuries later became the main means of propagating new scientific knowledge. The general objective of the study is to list the open access journals in nursing in Latin America linked to CAPES and the specific objective is to verify some elements of open science that are covered in the journals. The characterization of open access journals for researchers in the field of Nursing is presented as a means of developing and contributing to more research aimed at new and better scenarios for the performance of these professionals.


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How to Cite

Silva , L. G. da ., Puga, A. L., Bittencourt , A. ., Santos, D. T. dos ., & Silveira, N. (2024). Caracterização de periódicos de acesso aberto relacionados à enfermagem na América Latina. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 4(1). Retrieved from