Criação de indicadores cientometricos: Estudo de caso da integração do Observatório Ciência, Tecnologia & Inovação em Saúde da Fiocruz ao Sistema BrCris/IBICT
Innovation, Science and Technology Indicators, Scientometrics, CRISAbstract
The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) has been developing the BrCris Project (Current Research Information System). This information ecosystem aggregates and combines information from Brazilian research by integrating public and private databases. In this context, Fiocruz's Observatory on Science, Technology and Innovation in Health signed a partnership with IBICT to simultaneously generate more robustness in collecting its indicators and collaborating in the BrCris development activities. Thus, in a strategy of mutual benefit, IBICT and Fiocruz have sought new approaches to assess the impacts of research, expanding their capacity to perceive the benefits generated for society and supporting institutional management and decision-making. Taking the results of this partnership as a case study, BrCris may have its functionalities tested with a view to the approval of beta versions based on Fiocruz's vast and rich scientific production framework. Therefore, this work presents the BrCris as the object of this partnership, its development process and the partial results of the mission to aggregate and combine Fiocruz's research information.
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