Monitoring the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: the role of the UAb institutional repository

O papel do repositório institucional da Universidade Aberta


  • Madalena Carvalho Universidade Aberta
  • Sandra Caeiro Universidade Aberta


Sustainability implementation, Indicators and indices, Scientific publications, Universidade Aberta


The research perspectives the relevance of an institutional repository to monitoring the implementation of Sustainable Development in a higher education institution, folowing previous work. We present a study and reflection based on a literature review about challenges and opportunities of the institutional repositories as information systems that allow the generation of indicators applicable to the management of organizations. The Open University of Portugal (UAb) systematically assesses the Institution's Sustainability performance with the analysis of the academic and scientific production of its authors being one of the indicators highlighted. We present the work made systematically between 2019 and 2021, concerning the identification, monitoring and analysis of the SDGs report of the contents of the institutional repository of UAb – Repositório Aberto, and a reflection about the relevance of this approach to ensure indicators applicable to the monitoring of the implementation of Sustainable Development in the Institution. A global and segmented analysis is carried out of the representativeness of the SDGs in the Repository. Through the comparative data analysis in to previous years, we pretend perceive the existence of patterns between the different types of contents, the evolution of the authors' motivation to fulfill the objective and the alignment of the Repository contents with the definitions of the Institution's Strategic Planning.



How to Cite

Carvalho, M., & Caeiro, S. . (2024). Monitoring the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: the role of the UAb institutional repository: O papel do repositório institucional da Universidade Aberta. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 4(1). Retrieved from