Avaliação da competência discursiva escrita dos alunos da 10ª classe em Moçambique
Competência discursiva, competência linguístico-discursiva, conhecimento prévioAbstract
This study is based on the hypothesis that Portuguese L1 standard 10 pupils are more competent in Portuguese written discourse than bilingual pupils (speaking Portuguese and a Bantu language as a mother tongue) and those who are L2 Portuguese speakers. This hypothesis is founded on the grounds that most Portuguese monolingual pupils live in urban areas where there is greater exposure to written Portuguese. Hence, the objective of this research is to determine the type of written discourse standard 10 pupils produce. This research is based on a mixed research design which included both experimental and descriptive designs and a sample of 89 pupils, grouped according to their mother tongues. The type of discourse manifested by these pupils was determined by analyzing their written materials, which was inducted through three types of testes. The findings have demonstrated that all pupils experienced difficulties, yet the bilingual pupils from urban areas showed less discursive difficulties.
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