Fronteiras, hibridismo e mestiçagem e seus desdobramentos formativos
Fronteiras, hibridismos, mestiçagem, formação, multiculturalismoAbstract
This study starts by discussing border, hybridism and mongrelism concepts, looking to go through a transdisciplinary effort, beyond the borders of knowledge, thought and contemporary way of living, which has within it multicultural relations, different elements that blend and configure new features, when in interaction. Further, the study will by giving privilege to thematic sketches, seek to incite five authors from several fields of knowledge – designated “instigators”, to dialogue on Education. These are intellectual working in Philosophy (Michael Onfray), History (Jack Goody), Political Science (Domenico Losurdo), and Sociology (Zygmunt Bauman and Boaventura de Sousa Santos). Onfray seeks to look at accumulated ‘shrapnel’ under the idealist philosophical monumental weight that has ignored the beaten philosophers. Goody analyzes the ‘theft’ by the Western; of the conquests from other cultures that lead to the narrow nationalism, to xenophobia and racism. Losurdo dismantles the current historically determined ideologies, which justify the domain of the modern Western capitalist and his excessive power. Bauman, however, makes reference to a specific fact – the holocaust; he shows us how his analyzes can (and should) be applied to the current World when one seeks to comprehend the (ir) rationality of the ruling. Santos uncovers the way the ruling epistemologies reflect the interests of the dominant – which, in a somewhat direct sense, are from the global capitalism – if understood, these can be as so hard to fight for social justice as it is for cognitive social justice.
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