Aperfeiçoar a escrita em Português na universidade em Moçambique
Retorno correctivo escrito indirecto, análise de erros, correcção de erros, competências de escritaAbstract
This paper is grounded on evidence that teacher’s feedback strategies may be significantly beneficial to students’ development as writers (ELLIS, 1997; FERRIS, 2002). This study was conducted in 2011 and refers to university students’ language problems. It illustrates the potential for error treatment in solving those problems and improving advanced learners’ writing skills. The study considers the following research question: Can written corrective feedback (WCF) help Mozambican university students to improve their writing accuracy? The study is based on observational written data produced by 20 university students enrolled in a Portuguese teaching degree. Although some areas and types of errors respond differently to this strategy, this study illustrates the efficacy of error-analysis and teacher’s indirect written corrective feedback strategies in improving students’ writing.
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