O português num contexto multilingue: o caso de São Tomé e Príncipe
São Tomé e Príncipe, variedades do português, estrutura argumental, variação linguísticaAbstract
The aim of this paper is to (i) relate historical and sociolinguistic aspects of the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe with the emergence of the variety of Portuguese of São Tomé; and (ii) to discuss the factors that led to its formation, in particular those involved in the acquisition of selection properties of verbs. Considering that Portuguese is currently the dominant L1, having diachronically resulted from L2 interlanguage varieties, we will discuss how language contact with local creole Santome (forro) is responsible for the variation observed in the argument structure of verbs. It will be shown that a hypothesis based exclusively on transfer from Santome is insufficient to deal with the variation found in PST and that the different parameter settings in comparison to those of European Portuguese is, on the one hand, related with the speaker’s syntactic and semantic interpretation of events described by the verbs and, on the other, by the features of the prepositions that introduce the arguments they select.
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