Estratégias de criação lexical no Português de Moçambique: aspectos da derivação sufixal
construção de palavras, morfossemântica, empréstimos lexicais, Português de MoçambiqueAbstract
Mozambique is a multilingual country with Bantu as native and mother languages and Portuguese the only national official language and the second language for the vast majority of the population. Within this context, the process of appropriation and nativization of Portuguese by speakers is already observable and irreversible. Lexical innovation is one of the areas where language change occurs, contributes to the building of a non-native variant of Portuguese, the Mozambican Portuguese (MP) and is the focus of our study. The study is based on the following presuppositions: i) in the process of acquisition/learning of a second language take place linguistic interference of various kinds - phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic; ii) a high number of new lexical items enters Mozambican Portuguese; iii) one of the forms of lexical enrichment is the use of loanwords to Bantu languages (BL). Taking those presuppositions into account the author found that i) the field of word construction is the least affected by linguistic interference, and ii) in the process of construction of new lexical items the learner mentally stores forms acquired by use and, based on this forms, makes abstractions and generalizations, enabling him to build mental patterns of word formation.
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