Diversidade linguística e desenvolvimento nacional: questões sobre política linguística em Moçambique
diversidade linguística, estado-nação, desenvolvimento, política linguística, língua oficial, língua nacionalAbstract
The paper addresses the relationship between linguistic diversity as well as the use of ex-colonial languages and the processes of nation-state building, focussing on the case of Mozambique. Its objective is to argue that a causal relationship between these two dimensions can not be taken for granted, contrary to the convictions associated with many africanists, who have proposed that backwardness in several African countries is caused by linguistic diversity and/or the use of ex-colonial languages. Thus, the article proposes that the management of the linguistic diversity needs to consider the symbolic and communicative roles played by the several languages, with no pre-judgement, enhancing their sentimental and instrumental values. Under these pressupositions, the paper analyzes the case of Mozambique, adding some inputs for the definition of a language policy in the country.
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