POLÍTICA LINGUÍSTICA: educação inclusiva em contextos de diversidade linguística e cultural em moçambique


  • Lucério Gundane Universidade Pedagógica


Diversidade Linguística e Cultural, Educação Inclusiva, Política Linguística


The study is integrated in Applied Linguistics, seeking, essentially, to do a reflection on the importance of the inclusive education in linguistic and cultural diverse contexts in Mozambique. The research brings phenomenon of linguistic nature and extralinguistics that should harmonize the educational practices in diverse contexts. The study brings also to the light, a theoretical view that deepens the horizon of understanding of the teaching need and learning of languages, underlying the pupil sociocultural reality. The problem of the study is centered in the need of redefining the policies and practices on behalf of inclusive linguistic education in diversity contexts in Mozambique, where the Portuguese language, languages of signs, Bantu languages, Eupean languages, Asiatics languages and languages of Medium Orient are spoken by population. Relatively to the methodology, is a descriptive research, because describes the dynamics of the pheenomen of linguistic and cultural diverse as a fundamental right of the people. Through the interdisciplinar aproach, during of collects of data, was adopted bibliographical research, because the study was developed on vast theoretical referencial, studies concerned in linguistic practices, human rights, language and culture. Discussed and analyzed the data, it was concluded that in fact the linguistic and policies practices contribute to an inclusive education for the valorization of the Mozambican sociocultural patrimony, through plans and/or teaching programs that harmonize the student’s individual needs with the collective values and in their speech community priorities.


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How to Cite

Gundane, L. . (2020). POLÍTICA LINGUÍSTICA: educação inclusiva em contextos de diversidade linguística e cultural em moçambique. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 1(2). Retrieved from


