The work of the librarian in a resource center in learning and in research and training


  • admin admin Instituto Federal de Goiás


Informational and digital literacy, University library, Information professional, Digital technologies of information and knowledge


The article addresses the view of university librarians about their professional performance in Learning and Research Resource Centers in the context of the information and knowledge society. The objective of the research was to interpret the perceptions of librarians from the experiences lived during the implementation of the centers and the impact on the training of these professionals to work in the informational and digital literacy of university library users in this context. The methodology adopted in the qualitative approach research was the interpretative one. For data collection, an interview with structured questions was used as an instrument. Data were analyzed based on the experience reports of participants who worked in a Learning Resource Center and in research at universities in Brazil and Spain. The results of the study, constituted during the data analysis process, were discussed and explored the categories convincing the plan, institutional policy and organizational structure and their impacts on professional performance. Based on the technological revolution that has changed the way of searching and retrieving information and building knowledge in the context of information and knowledge societies, it is concluded that the librarian professional was forced to insert in his performance, through collaborative work, the training of users for the development of informational and digital literacy, in addition to seeking continuous training.


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How to Cite

Souza, M. A. R. de . (2024). The work of the librarian in a resource center in learning and in research and training. UEM Scientific Journal: Educational Sciences Series , 3(1). Retrieved from