Diagnóstico das necessidades de formação dos professores em exercício nos institutos médios agrários de Moçambique


  • Nelson Casimiro Zavale Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)


ensino médio técnico-agrário, lacunas ou necessidades de formação, professores em exercício


This paper presents the findings of a survey on training needs’ assessment among teachers in-service in Mozambican pre-university agricultural technical institutes. The survey was undertaken in 2013, aiming at informing the process of curriculum design of a joint undergraduate program in Agriculture and Professional Education, a project of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering and the Faculty of Education, Eduardo Mondlane University. The research, mainly quantitative, was based on a sample of 67 teachers (25% of the total population) in-service in Mozambican pre-university agricultural technical institutes who answered a close-ended questionnaire on their self-assessment regarding their training needs. From the findings obtained through a questionnaire administered to teachers, two conclusions are drawn. Firstly, the academic, professional and pedagogic qualifications of the teachers correspond to the ideal profile of a teacher of professional-agricultural education. Secondly, although the teachers generally self-assess positively their command of the different knowledge domains required by a teaching profession in professional-agricultural education, they feel that they need more training in aspects related to competence-based teaching approach, to the understanding of the nature of PIREP’s reform and to the command of generic competences such as ICT and foreign languages.

Author Biography

Nelson Casimiro Zavale, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)

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How to Cite

Zavale, N. C. . (2020). Diagnóstico das necessidades de formação dos professores em exercício nos institutos médios agrários de Moçambique. UEM Scientific Journal: Educational Sciences Series , 1(2). Retrieved from


