Desenvolvimento profissional para a docência online: análise de um programa de formação de docentes na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


  • Lina Sara C. do Rosário Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


Desenvolvimento profissional, ensino online, necessidades do professor


The transition to online education requires lecturers to have specific skills to practice teaching. The practice has shown that most lecturers are not prepared to teach effectively and affectively, which demands training in the perspective of professional development. This article presents the results of a study carried out at Eduardo Mondlane University that aimed to analyze the lecturers' perceptions regarding their professional development needs for online teaching as well as the impact of training on improving their competencies. The literature is incipient as to the lecturers' perceptions about their professional development needs for the design of training programs, in addition often the contents of the programs are replicated from other contexts and do not fit the teaching practices. This is a qualitative and exploratory study, specifically a case study, and participated sixteen lecturers. The study showed that professional development programs should be designed from the diagnosis of the needs of lecturers in online teaching, and identified them as online moderation, development of teaching materials and use of technologies. The training had a positive impact because the lecturers learned the strategies of online moderation, motivation and feedback, the aspects to be taken in the development of teaching materials and the correct use of technologies. In contrast to the literature, the lecturers pointed out the pedagogical and management roles as being of lecturers and should be considered in the training programs.

Author Biography

Lina Sara C. do Rosário, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

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How to Cite

Rosário, L. S. C. do . (2020). Desenvolvimento profissional para a docência online: análise de um programa de formação de docentes na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. UEM Scientific Journal: Educational Sciences Series , 2(1). Retrieved from


