VULNERABILIDADE E IMPACTOS DO ADOECIMENTO: experiências de mulheres com Fístula Obstétrica em Moçambique


  • Lúcia Helena Guerra Centro de Ciências da Saúde e Instituto de Estudos da África da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (IEAf-UFPE)


Adoecimento, Fístula Obstétrica, Moçambique, vulnerabilidade


This paper aims to reflect about the impacts of vulnerability, immersed in the experience of illness, in a very specific context, which is the Obstetric Fistula in Mozambique. Through the narratives of women who live with the disease, we sought to identify the meanings and strategies built to face the numerous obstacles, not only economic, but also social and moral. There are cross-cutting issues which markedly permeate their experiences. Stigma, risk, uncertainty, shame, motherhood were some of the recurring topics in the speeches of both patients and health professionals, announcing a broad field of meanings to be investigated. The results also focus on striking aspects of the physical impacts of continual urine loss and daily strategies to address and hide the disease. The vulnerability and gender categories are the basis of this work. Since the social construction of the concept of gender in Mozambique is based on women's submission, which ultimately influences women's vulnerability to HIV infection, lack of contraceptive methods and lack of decision-making regarding safe motherhood.  The search for an intersection demonstrates that the vulnerability component has reflexes in the constitution of the Obstetric Fistula microsystem, which reaffirms the importance of viewing these women as a construct of the environment where their existence occurs. Thus, we understand that an approach that takes seriously the specifics of these issues can contribute to the way of thinking about health and disease in Mozambique.


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How to Cite

Guerra, L. H. . (2021). VULNERABILIDADE E IMPACTOS DO ADOECIMENTO: experiências de mulheres com Fístula Obstétrica em Moçambique. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 2(1). Retrieved from


