Community games in early literacy in bilingual education: towards an innovative didactic-methodological approach in Mozambique


  • admin admin Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)


Bilingual education, games, early literacy, methodological approach, teaching-learning process


The study discusses the potential that community-based games may have in early literacy in bilingual education in Mozambique. Considering that in Mozambique teaching of literacy skills has followed theoretical foundations/approaches rooted in linguistic and cultural traits of European languages which are different from Bantu languages (Mwansa 2017) with little innovation in teaching materials (Benson, 2001), this work claims that community-based games accommodate linguistic features, which can be used in activities aimed at developing early literacy skills, particularly those relating to phonemic and phonological awareness, and morphological processing. Mwansa (2017) acknowledges that early literacy teaching in mother tongues (L1) in Africa has not been very efficient because it relies on linguistic traits of foreign languages in detriment to intrinsic properties of the concerned L1s, as well as to their respective socio-cultural and economic contexts in which teaching takes place. Thus, this exploratory study proposes to use some local linguistic games from the Emakhuwa community for the development of early literacy skills in bilingual education. This approach seeks to bring about a new didactic-methodological paradigm into the teaching of early literacy, in a process in which there will be continuity between the educational and/or socialization process at home and that which the child will find in her/his early grades at the school. It is also hoped that the approach may help bring about higher levels of efficiency in literacy skills, given that it is rooted in activities sustained by and within strutures, properties and socio-cultural contexts of the languages being taught.


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How to Cite

Manuel, C. . (2021). Community games in early literacy in bilingual education: towards an innovative didactic-methodological approach in Mozambique. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 3(1). Retrieved from