THE “KING OF RADIO” AND THE KING OF MARRABENTA: Fany Mpfumo as intermediary between two African worlds and the construction of an icon
Fany Mpfumo, marrabenta, popular music, mozambican cultural policAbstract
By examining aspects of Fany Mpfumo’s biography and artistic career, accessed from printed sources, I will seek to answer the following questions: what were the decisive factors for the transformation of António Mariva into Fany Mpfumo? What processes allowed him to become the most important icon of “urban popular music” (SOPA, 2014) in Mozambique, revered even today? Why, despite having become an icon, has its reach and that of marrabenta been little reflected in the country’s official cultural heritage policies, with this music being considered one of the symbols of national identity (FILIPE, 2012)? To face them, I will recover in the text aspects of Fany Mpfumo’s life and work in light of his social transit between South Africa and Mozambique and the role of the phonographic and radio broadcasting industry in his career. From a theoretical point of view, I will dialogue with studies on popular culture in Africa (TRAJANO FILHO, 2018; SOPA, 2014; CHARRY, 2012; MARTIN, 2002; BARBER, 1997; FABIAN, 1978) to understand the dynamics that allowed the emergence of marrabenta in Lourenço Marques and the role occupied by Fany Mpfumo in this movement.
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