Data management plan in support of FAIR scientific data management
Data management plan, Scientific data, Data management, FAIR principles, 5-star open dataAbstract
It reports on progress in the development of the platform that will serve as the National Registry of Data Management Plans, hosted by the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (known as IBICT), in pursuit of a more open and accessible Brazilian science. This roadmap is designed according to global trends, gold standards such as the FAIR Principles and Tim Berners-Lee's 5-Star Open Data, which frame the decisions that have been made to align with the situation of research funding organizations and academic entities. To structure the DMP by IBICT, we analyze practices used in the development of tools for DMPs at the international level, and describe the main features that were adapted to the model under construction. We also describe the experience and results of the pilot project, including the template and main features. Finally, the workflow for the operation of the DMP by IBICT is presented.
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