
  • Lidia Costa de Souza Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI), convênio IBICT – UFRJ
  • Eloísa Príncipe Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI), convênio IBICT – UFRJ


The problems faced by the scientific community and scientific editors with the attribution of authorship in scientific articles have shown the gap in some criteria and guidelines used by the community and which do not specify the contributions of each of the authors in the process of elaborating scientific works. This research aims to investigate the editorial practices of Portuguese scientific journals indexed in the SCImago Journal & Country Rank platform, verifying whether the journals adopt actions in accordance with Open Science, highlighting that referring to scientific authorship. The research has a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory nature. The research result shows that 18 journals adopt criteria or guidelines from different institutions. The following guidelines for attributing authorship in scientific articles are: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Contributor Roles Taxonomy, Committee on Publication Ethics, American Psychological Association, American Educational Research Association, Report of the Committee on Integrity in CNPq's Scientific Activity and Code of Ethics and Guide to Good Practices for Journal Editors at the University of Coimbra. One journal does not specify the guideline adopted.


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How to Cite

Costa de Souza, L., & Príncipe, E. (2024). EDITORIAL POLICIES OF PORTUGUESE SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS: AUTHORSHIP MATTER. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 4(1). Retrieved from