Língua oficial, direito positivo e direito costumeiro nas Esquadras de Moçambique: Um caso para a linguística forense


  • Eliseu Mabasso Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Linguística e Literatura Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


Estratégias Linguístico-Discursivas, Polícia, Direito Positivo, Direito Costumeiro


The present article results from a study on forensic linguistics. The target populations were on-duty officers indicted individuals, defendants and witnesses in police stations. The study uses a descriptive research methodology in line with the ethnographic approach and analyzes some of the linguistic discourse strategies adopted by the participants in police precincts. One of the main findings shows that when interviewing the police adopts highly and interactionally influenced traditional methods used to resolve conflicts, i.e. Customary Law. This results in challenges to the justice system in general, which is officially based upon the principles of the so called Written Law. The main conclusion of the study is that the interactions between the different participants within a police precinct of the Police Corporation of the Republic of Mozambique do take place in conditions that involve the occurrence of very peculiar linguistic discourse strategies, such as code switching and negative transference (interference) of the mother tongue.  


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How to Cite

Mabasso, E. . (2020). Língua oficial, direito positivo e direito costumeiro nas Esquadras de Moçambique: Um caso para a linguística forense. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 1. Retrieved from