Número e género nominais no desenvolvimento das interlínguas de aprendentes do português europeu como língua estrangeira


  • Cristina Martins Universidade de Coimbra


Português língua estrangeira, género nominal, número nominal, esenvolvimento da interlíngua


This study compares the acquisition patterns of the formal (morphosyntactic) properties of noun gender and number presented by 90 students of European Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL) who are native speakers of Spanish, German and Chinese. The working hypothesis hinges on the fact that gender and number categories, while sharing a number of comparable properties, also present specific characteristics. Morphosyntactic manifestations of nominal number assignment, which is semantically motivated, are highly regular, consistent and transparent, while gender assignment (determining agreement) is assystematic and opaque in the target language (TL). The assumption that properties such as these correlate with the degree of difficulty learners experience in acquiring each of the structures was validated through the analysis of both target and non-target behavior of learners in their written texts. The fundamental aim of this study is to contribute to the description of interlanguage development of PFL learners, thus providing teachers and instructional material designers with valuable information regarding what can be realistically expected from them throughout the acquisition process.



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How to Cite

Martins, C. . (2020). Número e género nominais no desenvolvimento das interlínguas de aprendentes do português europeu como língua estrangeira. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 1(1). Retrieved from


