Preprints and the COVID-19 pandemic

an analysis in the Dimensions database


  • Alessa Fabíola dos Santos Ceslinski Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Eloisa Príncipe Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI), convênio IBICT – UFR


COVID-19, preprints, Dimensions


The research aims to identify and analyze the characteristics of preprints produced on Covid-19 indexed in the Dimensions database, according to the following elements: year of publication, affiliation of researchers, areas of knowledge and preprints servers source. As a result, the research showed: COVID-19 preprints have increased exponentially throughout 2020, when there was the 'boom' of the pandemic; medRix, the preprints server launched in 2019, had the highest number of documents deposited; the areas of knowledge that produced the most were Medical and Health Sciences; among the top ten most productive researchers, most were from the United States.


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How to Cite

Ceslinski, A. F. dos S., & Príncipe, E. (2024). Preprints and the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis in the Dimensions database. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 4(1). Retrieved from